"I promised to myself, I would make your dream come true, and I did" -Ayunda
I've been glad. One of your dream, to see milky way. I made your dream come true. Finally you've seen it. Finally you've had it. We took a picture of universe's love together, we made it eternal.
A simple dream from a guy that I loved the most, a simple wish from this city guy. I wish we could enjoy the moment like that as long as we live. How happy I was to make one of your dream came true. If I could make your another dreams come true, I'll be happier. If I could.
You were sleeping besides me, underneath magical galaxy, underneath the same big sky, we were staring at love from universe, its kindness. We saw them smile for us, we saw them dancing for us, we heard their melodies that they play for us, you are my entire universe, we were one, we are universe, itself. With the sound of the ocean, the sound of the wind, and the music made by people, we were enchanted, we were under universe love spell, we were in love. Feels like just the two of us in this endless galaxy, how small we were, how big universe love is, how could you didn't believe with the One who made all of this love, it's simple, don't think about it, just feel it.
Universe watched us, it gave us the most beautiful view, it saw us, it talked to us, it felt us, they know better about us than we know about ourselves. We've talked a lot of things until we've fallen asleep. I wished we slept there until the light and the warm from the sun, touch our skin and fill our heart.
What a wonderful and lovely night. I wish I could feel the moment like that again in the rest of my life, with you.
P.S. I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and your heart is warm forever. I really hope you're happy, my dear one.